
Junit - Annotations

Junit is Unit Testing Framework which is open source tools and basically it is used for java developers . So if you are not clear about what is Unit Testing , then first you have to go through what is unit testing. In these blog you will be having idea about what are the annotations and how to use it. In Junit the program are executed by Annotations These are the below annotations: @BeforeClass @Before @Test @After @AfterClass To Support the Java Project with Junit you need to have 2 libraries hamcrest junit Download this library from here  Junit   Click on Download and install Click on both jar file  and download the latest jar  Go to Eclipse and Create a Java Project   File->New->Java Project (if you dont see the java project go to other and then Select Java projects Write down the Project name as Junitexample in Project name Right Click on the project go to -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path ( cli
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